
Innovate in the editorial production and publishing of your structured content to build customer loyalty, optimise your production and compose customised editorial offers

Produce more and better with our innovative, ergonomic and customised tools connected to your various workflows

Maximum automation of the editorial production chain: speed and reliability

Fewer tools, less time spent, lower volumes of exchanges: rationalisation and efficiency

Tailor-made application: entirely and solely dedicated to the need expressed

Create a specialized thesaurus to organise your content. Cut, aggregate and expand your content to create new offers

Designing networks of terms with multiple and varied relationships: contextual and semantic accuracy

Structuring and flexibility of the content format: modularity and granularity of publishing

We supervised the reengineering of the CEA-DAM thesaurus by organizing the semantic relations of its 11,000 terms.

Use cases

Lextenso logo

Lextenso uses two custom-designed editorial platforms to manage and produce its content, each dedicated to a set of professional publications. They include an expertXML editing tool, inbound and outbound exchange features, and a publication workflow adapted to the work processes of editorial offices, production and authors. Watch the video testimonial and the written testimonial.

Hachette uses a custom-designed PDF generation tool. It allows, in different contexts and for different types of content, to homogenise XML entries in a pivot format, to generate HTML rendering from templates, to produce a printer-friendly PDF file.

LexisNexis logo

LexisNexis uses a tailor-made solution to select, annotate and distribute case law decisions. The analyses produced are used to feed the JurisData Analytics product, a decision support service for assessing the amount of compensation.

Our services

Creation of customised tools

In our range of services to create a customised tool or platform:

Organization and enrichment of content

In our range of services to assist you in processing your content: