ContentSide and BnF-Partenariats are proud to make France's publishing heritage accessible.
For a year now, ContentSide and BnF-Partenariats have been working hand in hand to put tens of millions of press archives online. The project is progressing well, and embodies the essential values of sharing, knowledge and dissemination.
It's a large-scale project that combines a number of issues intrinsic to the publishing and press industries.
First and foremost, it fulfills a societal role. This new platform makes it possible to consult several million archives, helping to contextualize the information we receive every day. Relying on archives when reading the news gives us the means to combat misinformation and better detect false information.
This project is also a way of promoting the work done by press publishers. Easily searchable and semantically enriched, these archives contribute to the long tail of press publishers' websites. In this way, they will make a significant contribution to the SEO and visibility of their press sites, while encouraging them to continue their high-quality work!
Finally, the sheer volume of these archives is remarkable, and their accessibility contributes to enriching the cultural and historical heritage of France - and the world!
To support BnF-Partenariats in this project, ContentSide chose to combinehuman expertise with the performance of artificial intelligence. Thus, the development of the archive consultation platform is accompanied by processing by the artificial intelligence Semantic Platform. The Semantic Platform has already proved its worth, notably with Le Point, l'Humanité and Clubic.
Interested in this project? Join us and BnF-Partenariats on December 5 and 6, 2023 at La Presse au Futur in Paris!
Come to our workshop, watch our demos, and tell us about your projects!
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