Semantic Platform for WordPress!
Semantic Platform is a secure API-first solution that is gradually being deployed on various CMS, such as SWYP, Melody and now WordPress. This extension improves natural referencing, meshing and the user experience for readers, while simplifying article editing. Find out why L'Humanité and Les Inrockuptibles have adopted it!
Why use Semantic Platform's WordPress extension?
Faster editing
The Semantic Platform extension reduces tedious indexing tasks by automating them using artificial intelligence. Authors are supported in their choice of categories and tags for each article. Semantic Platform is also capable of proposing relevant further reading links by browsing the breadth of published articles.
At the end of the day, manual validation is still essential to add or not the elements suggested by Semantic Platform. This ensures both optimum efficiency and control by the journalist/editor.
Improve SEO without altering article content
Readers expect reliable, rich and qualitative information, and so do search engines. Criteria such as semantic consistency, the quality of internal linking and the presence of relevant keywords are evaluated in order to highlight, or not, a website. However, the press and publishing sector is not well suited to keyword optimization rules.
That's why Semantic Platform offers features that improve SEO without modifying any content. These include categorizing, adding tags, identifying further reading links and extracting named entities from articles.
Offer a pleasant user experience
The Semantic Platform extension also takes user experience into account. The semantic processing performed is useful to readers, enabling them to find more information on a current topic, or to explore a website's archives more easily.
Readers discover similar, relevant articles, making browsing a pleasure and building loyalty.
What are the features of Semantic Platform on WordPress?
There are four Semantic Platform features on WordPress: category recommendation, tag recommendation, named entity recognition and similar post suggestion.
Category recommendation
On WordPress, articles are distributed in sections according to the category to which they belong. It is mandatory to select one, and Semantic Platform is able to identify the most relevant category or categories.
Correctly categorizing articles is essential for readers to find their way around the different pages of a website, and automating this task represents a significant time-saver in the long term.
Label recommendation
On WordPress, unlike categories, it's not mandatory to assign tags to posts. Yet they enable readers to easily find all content related to the same topic. Semantic Platform automatically suggests the most relevant tags to add to posts.

Labels are a second way of identifying the content of an item. Yet their misuse can be detrimental to a website: they need to be carefully harmonized . Semantic Platform can indicate which tags to add with optimum consistency, thanks to its global vision of a website's content.
Named entity recognition
Named entity recognition is a feature added to WordPress thanks to Semantic Platform. It can be used to identify places, people or organizations in article content.

Recognition of named entities enables the creation of tag pages corresponding to these entities. This feature not only enhances the user experience by offering a new way of navigating between content, but also improves SEO by reinforcing internal meshing.
Suggestion of similar articles
Semantic Platform performs a semantic analysis of all content on a website to suggest similar articles. Such an analysis achieves a higher level of relevance than a similarity search based solely on tags and categories.

Continue reading links have both SEO and user experience benefits. In fact, they reinforce the website's internal mesh while suggesting relevant articles to readers. These suggestions are always related to the article consulted by the user, so that they can expand their research on a news item or topic.
Last but not least, the Semantic Platform extension boasts an interface that's easy for any WordPress user to get to grips with.
If you're interested in this WordPress extension, or would like to find out more, visit the WordPress marketplace.
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