From information to business intelligence: Le Journal des Entreprises revamps its digital offering with Semantic Platform

Le Journal des Entreprises doubles its page views per session! Find out how Semantic Platform helped improve this website's indexing, SEO and user experience .

💡 Le Journal des Entreprises is a regional business news medium. It covers 72 départements across France and aims to showcase local businesses.

In February 2024, the media company will complete the overhaul of its digital offering. At Presse & Médias au Futur, Emmanuelle Bouron, Director of Strategy and Diversification, led a workshop to present this major project. In particular, she discussed the technological tools used to renew the company's digital offering, citing their CMS Melodyand Semantic Platform.

An overhaul as part of a comprehensive digital transformation project

The origin of the project: starting point

The Journal des Entreprises website dated back to 2017 and was unable to meet growth objectives: enhancing the digital offering, structuring information, making the search engine more accurate, optimizing content for natural search engine optimization...

The redesign project was developed to meet the needs of regional decision-makers. It was therefore essential to ensure visibility and access to the 12,000 editorial contents produced annually, as well as to the website's 200,000 archives.

Redesign objectives and main achievements

The main objectives of the redesign were to facilitate access to information and personalize navigation. To achieve this, Le Journal des Entreprises turned its attention to the potential of technological tools.

To facilitateaccess to information, content has been indexed along 3 axes: geographical, sectoral and thematic. Filtering options have also been improved. Headings have been revised. Personalization tools have also been introduced, such as customized alerts and a new storage system. Finally, the contents of the Journal des Entreprises have been enriched with data from the Dun and Bradstreet databases, to offer complete company fact sheets.

To successfully complete this project, it was important to provide editorial teams with a familiar tool. That's why Le Journal des Entreprises is using Semantic Platform features via its CMS, Melody. Enrichment suggestions are easy to consult and manage, as these operations are carried out directly from an environment known to journalists.

Semantic Platform's role in the digital redesign of Le Journal des Entreprises

Semantic Platform features

To carry out this redesign, Le Journal des Entreprises chose asemantic artificial intelligence tool. Several Semantic Platform functions were used by the editorial team to classify and enrich content. The main challenge was to give readers easy access to articles related to the subjects that concern them.

Intelligent triple classification

As a regional business medium, Le Journal des Entreprises wanted to provide its readers with truly relevant articles. For this reason, articles were analyzed according to three classification schemes: geographical location, business sector and economic theme.

These classifications have made it possible to enrich all content with tags that guide readers in their search for information.

Company card association

To refine content enrichment, Semantic Platform's Named Entity Detection feature was used to display all company information.

On the back-office side, editors simply validate Semantic Platform's suggestion regarding the company mentioned. For readers, these enrichments take the form of a "Company Sheet", which can be consulted at the bottom of the article.

Recommendation of similar articles

Le Journal des Entreprises also wanted to display all content related to the companies mentioned in the article, which belong to the same business sector or geographical area. This information appears at the bottom of each article:

In addition, Semantic Platform features semantic detection of similar content, which can be used to suggest content that addresses the same subject, without having a similar sector or geographic indexing.

👉 Discover our case study on Le Journal des Entreprises

The use of all these features combined offers several advantages for Le Journal des Entreprises.

The benefits

Semantic Platform's article enrichment offers readers intuitive navigation andeasy access to the content that interests them.

The virtuous effects of Le Journal des Entreprises' digital redesign are measured by several KPIs:

  • Number of sessions multiplied by 2.5
  • The number of pages viewed per session increased by a factor of 2
  • Nearly 40,000 additional articles now available to search engines
  • The rate of URLs with "slow" loading times is divided by 10

What are the next steps in using Semantic Platform for Le Journal des Entreprises?

Following this overhaul, several other implementations are already planned by Le Journal des Entreprises.

The media company wants to use Semantic Platform's personality detection functionality, based on the same model as its company profiles.

Pool usage Engagea solution for personalizing conversion messages sent to readers, is complemented by Semantic Platform functionalities. Messages are finely targeted according to readers' interests (sector of activity, geographical area, companies to follow, etc.).

Le Journal des Entreprises has established itself as a service tool, with the aim of detecting events and offering decision-makers the possibility of being kept informed on subjects that affect them: investment, creation of a new activity, arrival of a new product, job creation, recruitment, etc...

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