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Semantic Platform

Nearly 20 publishers are already using it to improve meshing, long tail SEO and enhance archives.

Suggested similar content

Semantic Platform performs a semantic analysis of all the articles in order to bring together those dealing with the same subject.

When a new article is created, we analyze the editor's article database to propose the appropriate articles.

This saves a lot of time for the journalist and makes it possible to find older articles that might have been forgotten.

It is possible to set the maximum duration for searching the archives.

Identification of keywords

Semantic Platform automatically identifies places, people and organizations in the text.

It can work by semantic analysis, without authority lists, allowing to discover new keywords automatically.

It can also use lists of keywords that have already been created.

Other types of keywords can be detected as needed.

Classification of items

Semantic Platform automatically classifies your articles in the IPTC classification system.

It can be adapted if you use another classification system.

The error rate of classification by Semantic Platform is lower than that of a human (less than 5%).

Our artificial intelligence is the result of a Europe-wide research and development project, we have created algorithms that achieve excellent results, with high speed, ease of use and integration.

Several connectors are available to speed up the integration of Semantic Platform: WordPress, HeySquid, SWYP, Melody.

WordPress extension

Press publisher mesh AI, directly integrated into WordPress

Use Semantic Platform to enhance your editorial assets and automate the semantic enrichment of your content!

Available features: Suggestions for similar articles, named entity recognition and category recommendations

To watch the demo in its entirety, click on the button!


We accompany you on each solution:

  • classification of articles: parameterization of the solution and creation of the machine learning model
  • keyword identification: extraction parameters (white list / black list)
  • suggestion of similar contents: settings (thresholds)
  • integration of the solution into your IT environment
  • training and support


The Semantic Platform API is extremely easy to use.

The specific integration of the Semantic Platform API is fast thanks to the respect of REST principles.

The technical documentation is available in Open API format