Author : Arnaud Dumont
Press Release - April 2017 ContentSide is an IT company specialising in content management solutions...
As announced at the end of 2016, we are pleased to have a new certified Marklogic administrator with us! One of our...
Back Now that the left-wing primaries have come to an end, the presidential candidates will have to do some serious work.
Thanks to the addition of new skills, we can now offer advice on the financial optimisation and restructuring of your business.
Congratulations to our CTO Pascal Cadet who has obtained his MarkLogic Administrator certificate! MarkLogic has been a ContentSide partner since 2013, and is a...
I attended an Agile LeaderShip training course some time ago. Underneath the not very explicit training title lies...
ContentSide is carrying out a long term mission of support for the redesign of the website. Our project manager is the contact person for...
The profound changes in the Publishing/Press/Media sector (falling sales of paper media, explosion of digital media, changes in consumer habits)...
A retrospective consists of two main parts: Gathering everyone's opinions on the progress of the project...
ContentSide has been selected by the French Ministry of Education to improve the usability of statistical and decision support applications.
Very often we like to discuss the challenges around the different methods with the aim of improving access to information.
Our founder, Arnaud Dumont, likes challenges and staying close to the needs of our clients. Thus, he has...