ContentSide works to promote the heritage of the French press with BnF-Partenariats
A good part of the ContentSide team is currently in the midst of a particularly ambitious project: designing and developing a platform to manage, search and consult the archives of a dozen press publishers, from 1945 to the present.
This project is one of the steps of a more global one, led by BnF-Partenariats, which includes the digitization and the occlusion of these press archives. ContentSide is also involved in this part of the project, as its solution, Semantic Platform, is used to performsemantic analysis of the recognized text and thus intelligently enrich the flow ingested by the platform under development.
In addition to its pride in participating in this heritage project, supported by the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Ministry of Culture, the ContentSide team is delighted and motivated by this recognition of its expertise in the acquisition, transformation, management and publication of content, as well as the quality of itssemantic enrichment solution.
The platform is designed to allow different accesses to the same archived content: press publishers, including Libération, Le Télégramme, Paris Match or L'Express, will be able to fully integrate it into their own online information system, via its API, if they wish. Alternatively, they can also offer the platform as a white label. BnF-Partenariats, for its part, will be able to manage the online platform and allow its own subscribers to access all or part of the archives that will be published there.
The volumes processed are of the order of several million pages of press, and they will increase again as the service is used. The digitized articles can be consulted both in their textual format and via the image of their pages, displayed in a dedicated reader ensuring the comfort of the display and consultation of the contents.
The overall project is in line with the National Library of France's proactive policy of mass digitization and dissemination of press collections, and aims to bring together, preserve and promote the editorial heritage of the French press.
We talk about it in Archimag and in the specialized magazine ActuaLitté, among others...
The entire ContentSide team is looking forward to seeing the platform in action, in its many variations, and to being part of its evolution!
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