How to exploit the semantic analysis of online content and dynamically propose adapted paywall messages and conversion modules ...
by Lawrence Carbon, CTO of ContentSide* How does this technology impact the daily life of journalists? Let's remember that the news industry is a...
Le Point improves SEO and reading time on its website thanks to artificial intelligence With the...
ContentSide and 4D concept, recognised specialists in document engineering and content management, are combining their content management solutions...
Training between ContentSide's teams and Fonto, the Dutch publisher of Fonto Editor, one of the leading content editing solutions...
Back The CEA DAM structures its business language By Hélène Jacquenet, document engineering consultant at ContentSide and Isabelle Gaillard, head of the...
Lextenso, one of the main groups of French legal publishers (Gazette du Palais, Petites Affiches, Joly, Defrénois, LGDJ, Gualino...), chooses ContentSide to develop its...
Information governance: which method? In April 2018, a book was published which was proposed as a kind of compass for...
We use Orbéon for projects with complex forms. This article offers an overview of the new features of Orbéon. What use...
Discover the best practices for structuring and optimising your content Content management, a technical issue or an approach that...
ContentSide offers its clients the possibility to create a "responsive design" website. What is responsive design? It's a...