Using TestNG DataProviders under Junit4

A DataProvider allows you to declare a list of resources to be passed to unit tests. These tests are played for each element of this list (this avoids coding a "for"). This functionality, coming from TestNG, can be ported to JUnit4 via the library And it is Spring Framework compatible.

The value of the DataProvider

What is a DataProvider

A DataProvider allows a unit test to be launched by providing it with input data, this data taking the form of parameters to the unit test method. For example, it is possible to define a list of first names and surnames to a method testing an enrolment.

A DataProvider is of course reusable.

Finally, it is presented in the form of a one- or two-dimensional table to associate several data with each test run, for example a list of first and last names.

An example of a DataProvider will speak for itself:

public static Object[][] dataProviderPeople() {
    return new Object[][]{
            {"John", "Karmac"},
            {"Bob", "Dylan"},
            {"Dexter", "Holland"}

Here we have a DataProvider declaring three first name-last name pairs.

Here's how to use it:

@UseDataProvider(value = "dataProviderPeople")
public void shouldRegister(String name, String surname) throws Exception {

This test will be run 3 times, with the parameters "name" and "surname" being John Karmac, Bob Dylan, and then Dexter Holland respectively.

Testing datasets without DataProvider

Without a DataProvider, we would have been tempted to define the dataset somewhere and then declare a "for" loop (or a "foreach" in Java 8) in the unit test, so that the test would be run only once.

A problem arises: if one of the iterations fails the test, you will not immediately know which one. You will have to run the test with a debugger or look at logs. In short, you will lose time.

Improving tests with DataProviders

With the DataProvider seen above, the test method will be executed 3 times. In case of failure, we will know which first name and last name pair is at fault.

With this implementation of the :

@UseDataProvider(value = "dataProviderPeople")
public void shouldRegister(String name, String surname) throws Exception {
    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("BOB")) {
        fail("pour l'article");

Here is an example of execution from IntelliJ IDEA :

execution from IntelliJ IDEA


The faulty data are clearly identified.

For information, this is the presentation of the data that we would have had with TestNG.

How to use a DataProvider in JUnit4

Install junit-dataprovider

Declare dependency on "".

Maven example:

	<!-- ... -->
	<!-- ... -->

Example Gradle :

repositories {
dependencies {
    // …
group: ‘junit’, name: ‘junit’, version: ‘4.12’
group: ‘’, name: ‘junit-dataprovider’, version: ‘1.12.0’


(These examples are taken from

Declaring and using a DataProvider

A DataProvider allows you to define from 1 to n values on each line. Example:

public static Object[][] dataProviderUnNom() {
    return new Object[][]{
            {val_1a, val_1b, val_1c,},
            {val_2a, val_2b, val_2c,},};

The DataProvider can be named in several ways:

  • Name it in the same way as a unit test so that it is automatically associated with it (see for explanations)
  • Name it as you wish. The DataProvider can be associated with all unit tests with the appropriate annotation: @UseDataProvider(value = "dataprovider name")
  • The r/wiki/Features#customize-test-method-name page offers many other ways to name and associate your DataProviders

Finally, you can insert objects of any type. For example, you can pass a "String" name and an "int" age. The DataProvider will declare an array of "Objects", and the unit tests will declare "String" and "int" parameters.

A limitation to be aware of

Be careful with the data you place in your DataProviders. Indeed, their initialization occurs before the invocation of the @Before methods of JUnit. You will therefore not be able to directly use data generated in an @Before phase.

Running JUnit tests

To be compatible with DataProviders, your test classes must use the appropriate runner:


How to use a DataProvider with a Spring Runner in JUnit4

You probably run your test classes with a Spring runner such as "SpringJUnit4ClassRunner", and you know that JUnit doesn't allow you to use two at the same time.

The developers of junit-dataprovider provide a custom runner that combines the functionality of both the "SpringJUnit4ClassRunner" and "DataProviderRunner" runners. Copy the class into your project and simply use the "DataProviderRunnerWithSpring" runner.


@SpringBootTest(classes = Application.class, webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT)
public class SampleTest {

I was able to test it successfully on a recent Spring Boot stack (1.5.x) with most of the usual modules (Boot, Web, WS, Security, Data, Batch) both on the command line and with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.5.


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